Kasia Brytan

Reflections on Collision

Our show “Collision” was actually a giant collision. There’s no other way of putting it. Here are some of my favourite parts:

This piece was the beginning of something: David Clennin and I collaborated for the first time ever. Our minds (and bodies) collided for the whole month of August. In short, it was awesome. I can’t wait to again.

It was also the end of something: we used the solo that I have been working on since March 2012, and recently developed during my residency at Mile Zero Dance, as the source material for the show. That solo has now found it’s home in “Collision” and it feels good to leave it there.

We had the masterminds Evan Osinchuk (original music, emergency prop man) and Kasia Brytan (stage manager, lighting designer, multiple board operator, best hug-giver) by our sides the whole time, as well as the support of a lot of amazing sponsors, friends, and family members. We really couldn’t have done it without them!

Also, if you’re at all interested in our creative process, Dave and I created a ton of lists as we were creating “Collision” – here’s a few of them in chronological order. You can see how the piece morphed (and all of the things we were working at, even at the end of the process):

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And a final look into our rehearsal process… our pre-show songs of choice.

Dave’s (Super ambient):

Mine (Super pop-y):

We may or may not have clashed a bit on our music preferences. If anything, it created some tangible tension, which was exactly what we were going for.

Posted by Tatiana Cheladyn, 0 comments